Women’s Retreats Canada

What is a women’s retreat?
It’s a chance to take a break from every day life and rest for a while. It’s a chance to be nurtured and nourished within a safe healing space. It’s a time to open your heart, to trust, to grow and most importantly fill your cup back up. It’s a time to reconnect to yourself and connect to like-minded souls. It’s also a chance to focus solely on you and your needs for once and begin to make your self care a priority. Self care is a necessity, not a luxury and the only person who can change that for you is you.
How can people benefit from them?
Friends….. we are living in a time where exhaustion on an emotional and spiritual level is at an all time high, not to mention the physical ramifications of all of this. We live in a busy world where there is never enough time. Where our to do lists are impossible and time for self care is not prioritized. Things and stuff have gotten in the way of people and feelings. Our retreats allow you to relax, let go and reset. If all we ever do is fill other peoples cups and never our own, eventually we will have nothing left to give.
What types of retreats are there?
We currently offer day retreats and weekend retreats. We created our day retreats are a way to more easily afford to reward yourself with a day away from the norm, both time wise and financially. The weekends are an opportunity to dig deeper, tap into our intuition and to create new exciting and inspiring habits for a changed life.
Why do we run them?
There are so many reasons that we run them. We love people. We love helping them to discover their own unique gifts, talents and to been seen as they truly are and not how they sometimes see themselves. We thrive on offering guidance in self love, self worth and self care. We love connecting with people and sharing tools so that they can create a better life for themselves. We love the vibrant community of light that it creates but most of all we love that we get to live our passion every day and inspire others to do the same. This all stems from allowing us to share, to create and to collaborate.
Where do they happen?
The majority of our one day events happen in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland but you are welcome to bring us to host an event anywhere in British Columbia or Alberta. Our weekend retreats are also usually on the West Coast of Canada. British Columbia is a beautiful place to find the surroundings, landscape and energy that makes our retreats unique. Even if you don’t live in the province, it is a great destination to visit. It gives you the opportunity to enjoy a retreat and then explore all of natures surrounding gifts.
What do they look like?
Our day events include a variety of self care practices depending on which retreat you choose to come to. Some of our previous retreats have included plant therapy, essential oils, spirit guidance, sound bowl healing, tea ceremony, women’s circles, yoga, meditation, and journaling. You will be guided through your day or weekend with love and kindness. Meals are provided as well as the supplies needed for our time together. You will also receive gifts to take home so that you may continue to follow this journey of self care when you go home.
How many people attend?
The work we do with our participants is sacred to us and so to honour the space we hold together we keep our events purposely intimate. Each event and location is different slightly but if there is an event you want to attend please be advised to contact us as early as you can as our events fill up and we often have a waiting list.
How do I join one?
Your space will be held once payment has been received and please use the contact page to chat with us should you have any questions or feedback prior to booking your retreat placement with us. Checkout options below.
Payment options?
We accept eTransfers and credit card payments via Paypal.
Schedule of 2023 Retreats
8th July – Home A Women’s Day Retreat – Abbotsford BC
9th September – Bloom A Womens Day Retreat – Abbotsford BC