Bright Beginnings 2021 Blog Post

Bright Beginnings 2021

Hello Lovelies, 

Welcome to 2021!! It always feels hopeful to start a brand new year off in the right way, especially after what was a doozy of a year for most of us. Emotionally shutting the door to a year that may have brought most of us more challenges than we cared to invite or even imagine that we could handle helps us to feel closure. To chalk it up to lessons we can learn and move on from. 

Lovelies, we can celebrate that we did make it through and really how we move forward now is totally up to us. 

Let me first say that I’m not a big fan or new years resolutions, mainly because I think as perfectionist humans we tend to set our standards so high that we are bound to fail and usually in the first month. This then leads to us beating ourselves up over it for the next 11 months stating that next year will be better. So I am not one for making huge resolutions or goals for the year ahead but I do like to create shifts, subtle changes and more joy in my life by harnessing the wave of momentum we often experience with new beginnings.  

Some words to the wise. Stop doing so much this year. Stop doing too much this year. Stop trying to be everything for everyone. Stop filling your plate so full that you constantly feel that you are not good enough or that you can never get everything done. Instead try to focus daily on just one or two things and celebrate those little achievements. Let’s enjoy being human and not so much of the doing. When we can relax into what we enjoy, what lights a spark in us, the mandatory parts of life and the duties we have seem less overwhelming. What I mean by this is you may have bills to pay and a job you don’t like so much. You may feel like those are mandatory and so having a new hobby that sparks you up will give you the strength  

I’m going to be raw and real. I was an emotional wreck at times last year but on the flip side it provided me with such abundant growth opportunities and things to work on for healing for myself. That my friends was priceless!! It also allowed me the space to ask myself what makes me happy and reach after that. News flash – if you think doing what makes you happy is selfish it’s ok – I did too – many kind and beautiful people in the world are people pleasers and put others before themselves. However as reformed people pleaser myself, I can tell you that the only person that truly has your happiness as a priority should be you. Allowing your happiness to be dictated by your kids, your partner or anyone else is actually giving your power away.  

It’s time my friends to fully step up in your own life, take your power back and strive for what makes you shine. We only have this life so make it your own.  

This year is the year to be you, to be brave, courageous and go after the life you want. Maybe that’s a new job, starting your own business, welcoming new friends, a new relationship or finding a new hobby. 

One tip I have is that when you home is uncluttered so is your mind. When your home is in order then so is your head space. Clearing your clutter on all levels and just keeping the things that bring you joy will allow you space to allow the new to come in.  

Try diffusing this blend below by my teacher Desiree Mangandog while you are sorting through your stuff.  

Clear the Clutter 

2 drops Lemongrass 

1 drop Lime  

1 drop Douglas Fir  

Two of my favourite oils for this month are wild orange and ginger. Wild orange is the oil of abundance and helps us to see that our dreams are possible. Ginger is the oil of empowerment and encourages us to fully show up and participate in our own lives.  

Much love and bright beginnings, 



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